Wolf, Witch, Giant, Fairy, Little Bulb’s folk opera created at Royal Opera House, has won an Olivier Award for Best Family Show! I am over the moon about this, and incredibly grateful to have been a part of the adventure with my Little Bulb family and of a wonderful team. Thank you to everyone who came to see the show!
She Goat's album DoppelDänger - out 11 Dec 2020
The debut album from Baroque-pop London-based duo She Goat.
Born out of the experimental theatre gig of the same name, DoppelDänger.
Here’s what The Wire said about that gig, Dec 2015:
‘like Björk’s dissonant combinations of simple vocal melodies laid out with humour over complex sonic productions.’
DoppelDänger is a concept album of dangerous doubling and being doppelgängers.
This recording captures the live performance.
Find it here: https://shegoat.bandcamp.com/releases and on all streaming platforms!
She Goat - The Undefinable PODCAST!
The Undefinable, which Shamira Turner and I made as She Goat, started as a live gig-theatre show, and is now an audio art mini-series.
Six episodes of hot genre-straddling tunes, intimate talk radio, and weird old love letters. Each episode is the length of a coffee break! So top up your coffee cup, pop us in your ears, and let’s embark on a queer-platonic sonic quest into the unknown future and forgotten past of doing love differently.
Listen on Apple Podcasts | Spotify + other listening platforms
The Future by Little Bulb Theatre at Battersea Arts Centre
I have been working with Little Bulb Theatre to develop The Future, a performance exploring AI and existential risk.
We will be opening the show at Battersea Arts Centre in London, in June 2019.
More information here: https://www.littlebulbtheatre.com/thefuture
DoppelDänger at Battersea Arts Centre, 9-13 October 2017
DoppelDänger comes to Battersea Arts Centre for its official London premiere, 9-13 October 2017
Experimental live music and Baroque-pop mash-ups, gender-twisting visuals and gothic storytelling: this new show is an exploration of 'the Doppelgänger' - devised and performed by a pair of real life doppelgängers. With an uncanny blend of European 1630s-inspired retrofuturism and 1930s wrestling, Doppeldänger explores the boundaries between self and other, gig and theatre, and questions representations of femalehood on stage.
Here's what The Wire says about DoppelDänger: “The highlight comes in She Goat’s DoppelDänger, two artists linked and the limbs and singing…strange compositions, like Björk’s dissonant combinations of simple vocal melodies laid out with humour over complex sonic productions.” (Steph Kretowicz)
Tickets and info here
Orpheus by Little Bulb Theatre at Brisbane Festival
This September, I'm heading out to Australia with the whole Little Bulb Theatre team to perform Orpheus at Brisbane Festival. Tickets and info here
On Friday and Saturday nights, we'll also be playing some music after the show.
If you happen to be in Australia then, come and say hello!
DoppelDänger previews at Camden People's Theatre
After a long time in the making, DoppelDänger previewed at Camden People's Theatre on 17, 18 and 19 November 2016, as part of CPT's festival All The Right Notes, dedicated to exploring where gig and theatre collide.
The show will tour in 2017, get in touch if you would be interested in booking it.
The Guardian on Pube - 5 October 2016
Stuart Jeffries wrote about his experience of Pube, and the conversation we had around it, for The Guardian. Read the article here.
I also gave a short interview to Colombian radio station W Radio, which you can listen to here
Pube at Camden People's Theatre's Festival of Feminism 'Calm Down, Dear'
I will be performing Pube at Camden People's Theatre on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 October 2016, as part of 'Calm Down, Dear', their amazing festival of feminism.
Tickets available here: https://www.cptheatre.co.uk/production/pube/
The portraits will be exhibited in Camden People's theatre's foyer throughout the festival: come and have a look!
Image by India Roper-Evans
Pube at Women of the World
It's been a week since Pube premiered at WOW Folkestone and Southbank Centre. It was an inspiring weekend, full of important and moving thoughts, and generously donated hair.
I made a total of 15 new portraits, which have joined the travelling exhibition and its online sister.
The premieres were also an opportunity to try out the structure that collaborator Verity Sadler had designed, and we are happy to report that the show is self-sufficient and can be easily set up in most spaces!
I look forward to taking the show to a place near you.
Pube was partly developed at Battersea Arts Centre, and is generously supported by Arts Council England, Farnham Maltings, and Folkestone Quarterhouse.